Who helps you? We do!
MedSpa's earning less than $8,333/day.
Our mandate is to help American MedSpa business owners who have been in business for at least 1 year, are earning less than $8,333/day and have at least one full-time employee making more than $15/hour.
An institution founded to help MedSpas
We were founded with the mandate of helping American MedSpa business owners grow the MedSpa industry by providing them with free solutions to many of the common problems keeping them from growing.
We can only help a few MedSpa's at a time.
Our charter and mandate dictate that we use an invite-only model to focus on business owners who are dedicated to providing their customers with great service thereby elevating and growing the MedSpa industry.
If you have arrived here after receiving an email from one of our team please reply to them ASAP as we have a highly focused team and limited availability.
Alternatively, If you have discovered us some other way and would like to join our waiting list please fully complete the form and someone will evaluate if your business is eligible for our assistance. Please keep in mind due to our invite-only policy we will only contact you if you're a good fit for our assistance.